Saturday, February 5, 2011

Great Success!

Earlier today the mighty DFA coalition engaged the savage Tactical Gaming hoard in a pitched series of larger than expected land battles on all fronts across the globe. During the battle for Panama Canal DFA forces achieved tactical surprise with an early game blitzkrieg and were able to be as a rock and held their advantage for the remainder of the battle to retain control of the strategically important waterway. In South America aggressive TG initiative was met head on and turned back by the ferocity of our fearless fighting men and their unbreakable discipline. In the Frigid cold of Nelson Bay, Alaska, coalition forces earned a hard fought victory after becoming bogged down in a brutal wall of machine gun fire maintained by a stubborn and determined enemy which at times harkened back to the carnage of the darkest days on the western front. Through acts of inspiring courage and utmost perseverance from the men of DFA, ultimate victory has been achieved.


Commish said...

Sounds like I missed a great fight! Well written. I think the men of Tactical Gaming should get a courtesy link to this very article. What do you think?

Johannes Krokeide Kolberg said...

By all means Squid. They were a worthy opponent - and such sportive, integrous and professional competitiors deserve recognition. It is in its place that we inform them of our appreciation.

AmatureGamers said...

Very nice.

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